
Best Practices for Handling Call Volume Spikes

JB Peterson


Best Practices for Handling Call Volume Spikes

2020 was one of the most challenging years on record for the NRTC Managed Services’ Help Desk. Call volumes were erratic. Our team experienced some of the biggest call-volume jumps they’d ever seen.  

Rich King, Managed Service’s VP of Call Operations described the types of spikes that we experienced and some of the things we did to mitigate them during “Best Practices for Minimizing & Handling Call Volume Spikes,” a webinar last week.

Normally, there are five types of call-volume spikes: weather-, maintenance-, outage-, disconnection- and growth-related. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted the creation of a sixth type.

Increased online demand due to COVID-19 along with extreme weather events, maintenance issues, outages, disconnects and even company growth all contributed to call increases. King provided tips on how Help Desk customers can minimize the effects of the spikes.

He also reviewed the differences between tech support and customer service. Customer service focuses on the overall customer experience, while technical support seeks to resolve specific issues in the quickest and most cost-effective manner.

You can view a recording of the presentation here.

NRTC Managed Services created a Call Center Outsourcing Evaluation Checklist identifying the key capabilities and characteristics to consider when evaluating call center partners. If you would like to learn more about NRTC Technical Support and CSR Support, please contact NRTC Managed Services at

JB Peterson is a graphic designer with NRTC Managed Solutions.

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