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NTCA Legislative + Policy Conference, Washington, DC

Amid historic investments in rural broadband it is more important than ever for the rural broadband community to come together and make sure the voice of industry leaders is heard in Washington. Attend NTCA’s premier advocacy event, the annual Legislative + Policy Conference, to contribute your voice to lawmakers in Washington, D.C. At the event, ... Read more

TIA BEAD Success Summit, Arlington, VA

The BEAD Success Summit is bringing together government and industry leaders to discuss, in workshop form, the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program requirements and various network technologies and architectures. The Success Summit offers an environment for collaboration with colleagues and education on leading technologies that will help maximize the success of this once ... Read more

NTCA Sales and Marketing Conference, Austin, TX

The annual Marketing + Sales Conference is the only conference of its kind, combining all aspects of marketing and sales for the rural broadband industry into one robust, high-value event. NRTC Staff will be in attendance; NRTC is a sponsor of this conference.

NRECA Connect Conference, Jacksonville, FL

NRTC is the Welcome Reception Co-Sponsor w/CFC. This is an essential event for communications, marketing and member services professionals, providing hours of learning and sharing on the latest topics, best practices and lessons learned, as well as skill-building opportunities.

NRECA New CEO Orientation, Arlington, VA

The New CEO Orientation is designed for new chief executive officers and general managers of electric cooperatives with no more than two years of experience in their current position. Interactive sessions will provide an in-depth look at key electric industry and cooperative management issues, challenges and opportunities that new CEOs face. It’s an outstanding opportunity to ... Read more