NTCA Telecom Executive Forum, San Antonio, TX

The annual Telecom Executive Forum (TEF) convenes new and veteran rural broadband executives in a closed-door, private event for group discussion and education on topics like business growth, preserving current funding levels and nurturing leadership. Industry leaders and NTCA staff will provide legislative and advocacy updates and give insight on industry-wide trends. NRTC staff will ... Read more

Connected America 2024, Dallas, TX

The 2nd annual Connected America event brings together communications service providers at national, state, and local level alongside the public sector, enterprise verticals and suppliers to discuss the how and why of improving broadband coverage in America. NRTC staff will attend.

NREDA Workforce Housing Webinar

Workforce or ‘market rate’ housing is in short supply everywhere and businesses are struggling to find help. Housing is a major player in addressing these issues but finance and construction obstacles are a driving force in the struggles that communities face. Learn how to identify, analyze and implement strategies to solve these issues, as well ... Read more

NTCA Broadband Labels Webinar: Why you should start early – Sponsored and presented by Pivot and CrowdFiber

Broadband labels, broadband labels, broadband la—don’t say it three times! If the FCC’s new requirements have you spooked or you find yourself procrastinating, join our webinar to learn why you should get started sooner than later.   Pivot and CrowdFiber will demystify the requirements for broadband label creation, point of sale compliance, and team training. We will walk ... Read more

NTCA Elevate Your Cybersecurity Strategy Webinar: Insights from a Cybersecurity CISO

This webinar explores the current cybersecurity landscape, offering insights into the latest cyber threat trends and their impact on organizations. You will learn about the various tools, services and guidelines that are key to a strong cybersecurity strategy. In addition, you will hear about the crucial role of governance in enhancing an organizations defense against ... Read more

NREDA Regional Workshop, Republic, MO

Please mark your calendar to join NREDA for "Redefining Rural", a 2-day workshop. This workshop will focus on empowering rural communities with strategic preparedness to ensure they keep pace with the dynamic nature of the modern business.