New Broadband Funding Requirements – What To Know Before You Apply

This event has concluded, but you can still view a recording of the webcast at the link below. As more broadband funding programs take shape, some common requirements are emerging. Some of these have not been as prominent, or even part of, previous funding efforts. This webinar will examine specific requirements that are increasingly common ... Read more

NRTC Smart Grid Series, Water Heater Control Innovations: Unlocking Value from a Common Residential Load

This event has concluded, but you can still view a recording of the webcast at the link below. Learn about the innovative Armada Power electric water heater control solution which provides benefits to both the cooperative and to their member participants. We will explore how the Armada solution eliminates most of the pain points of ... Read more

Broadband Partnerships: Working Together to Connect More Americans

Broadband partnerships come in many forms. From alliances among broadband service providers and electric coops to partnerships with state and local government entities, no one arrangement looks exactly like the next. The variety of approaches is vast, but the goal remains the same: to bring robust services to more Americans. And with a once-in-a-generation opportunity ... Read more