The FCC’s Broadband Data Collection: What You Need to Do and Why
July 28, 2022 | 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

This event has concluded, but you can still watch a recording of the webinar at the link below.
All broadband providers must submit broadband availability data to the FCC’s new Broadband Data Collection (BDC) program by September 1, 2022. Whether or not you intend to pursue broadband funding opportunities, the rules are mandatory. Data the FCC collects in the BDC process will be key to determining both how much broadband funding will be directed to your state, and to how those dollars will target specific locations.
The webinar will begin with BDC information provided by a representative from the FCC
Including additional perspective from:
Mike Jacobs, VP Regulatory Affairs, ACAC
Executive Vice President, NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association
Brian O’Hara, Sr. Director Regulatory Issues – Telecom & Broadband, NRECA
Bailey White, VP Sales & Development, NRTC CrowdFiber
The above mapping and policy experts will discuss:
• Steps broadband providers must take to comply
• How to gather and submit data
• How the challenge process might work
• What the data will mean for funding in your service area – whether it goes to you or to someone else