Look for 2023 NRTC Board Election Call for Nominations

Randy Sukow


In November, NRTC will send a notice to all eligible voting members alerting them to the upcoming elections for electric and telephone representatives on the Board of Directors. The Call for Nominations notice will ask for candidates to four electric positions and two at-large telephone industry positions. The elections will result in some new faces on the board since none of the incumbents in the electric districts are standing for reelection.

For the third year, NRTC will conduct online voting. Voting delegates will have decided the elections by the time NRTC holds its two annual meeting sessions. The telcos will meet Feb. 21, concurrent with NRTC’s RTIME 2023 in San Diego, and on March 5 at NRECA’s PowerXchange in Nashville.

A new wrinkle this time will be an electronic process to choose member voting delegates. Rather than mailing, emailing or faxing forms to designate new delegates, members will be able to access a web page to make the changes. NRTC will send complete instruction on how to access the site in late November or early December.

In total, members will vote on six board seats. The telephone-industry incumbents, Jason Dandridge of Palmetto Rural Telephone in Walterboro, SC, and Jimmy Todd of Nex‐Tech in Lenora, KS, are eligible to seek re-election.

Among the incumbents in the electric-industry elections Bob Hance of Midwest Energy Cooperative in Cassopolis, MI, representing District 4, and Tim Mergen of Meeker Cooperative Light & Power Association in Litchfield, MN, representing District 6, have reached the limit of four terms of distinguished service on the board. District 3 Director George Kitchens plans to retire from his position at Joe Wheeler Electric Membership Corp. in Trinity, AL, and will step down from the board at the same time.

The electric members also will have a chance to vote on the vacant District 7 board seat. That position was to be filled during the 2022 board elections but NRTC did not receive a nomination. The board is looking for willing participants from the states of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska or Wyoming to serve.

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