NRTC Introduces Managed Speed Test for Broadband Providers

Dan Timmer


NRTC has officially launched a Managed Speed Test service to provide members with an affordable, branded and locally hosted test of speeds up to 20 Gbps. Many providers offer a speed test so their customers can confirm they are getting the speeds they were promised or to self-check when they feel slower than normal. The service also offers members using NRTC’s Operational Intelligence platform comprehensive reporting to combine network performance and customer data.

“NRTC has demonstrated our cooperative values by making sure our members have access to an affordable and reliable solution that does not share or sell their customers’ speed test results to competitors and government entities,” said JP Bickel, NRTC senior product manager.

Josh Childers, director of Operations added, “When we were developing the service on our CrowdFiber platform, we recognized that more broadband providers are offering gigabit services, so we enhanced our speed test to be capable of supporting speeds up to 20 Gbps. This expanded capacity means members can have multiple gigabit customers performing simultaneous speed tests without experiencing any performance issues.”

For more information, contact or stop by the NRTC booth (#506) at the NTCA Fall Conference in Indianapolis, IN, Sept. 29 – Oct. 2.

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