
NRTC Presents the REC Broadband Benchmarking Report

November 10, 2020

Broadband Benchmarking Report

One of the most gratifying aspects of working with rural electric cooperatives is the commitment to helping each other. Because we’re all driven by shared values and a sense of service, we are deeply connected. That’s evident in times of natural disaster as well as the willingness of co-ops to share lessons learned to benefit those coming after them.

In that spirit, I’m proud to present NRTC’s Rural Electric Cooperative Broadband Benchmarking Report (PDF). The data comes from 36 electric co-ops who have deployed broadband and offered to share their experience. The insights based on that data were developed by NRTC staff members dedicated to helping our members evaluate, build and operate broadband networks to improve utility operations and benefit the communities they serve.

I know this report will be a valuable resource to electric co-ops as they plan their technology future and determine their role in broadband. Just like there’s no single path for broadband, there’s no one way to use this report. Each co-op will glean different insights. Some of the data points that resonated with me are in the graphics to the right.

I encourage you and your team to review the entire report, and I look forward to hearing what you think.

NRTC is proud to offer you this resource, and we stand ready to help you evaluate broadband when you’re ready. To date, NRTC Broadband Solutions has completed or is in the process of completing 48 broadband projects for its members to reach more than 550,000 rural homes and businesses. We have conducted more than 200 feasibility studies. NRTC is also working with members in the current Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) Auction.

This is why electric co-ops created NRTC more than 34 years ago. Today, it’s our mission, our focus and our passion.


Tim Bryan

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