NRTC Teams Up with Itron at Recent Meter Schools to Share Utility Metering Expertise

Randy Sukow


Josh Pepple, NRTC’ VP of Technology Planning, and Patrick Jordan, NRTC’s Director of Smart Grid Technology Planning, recently participated in regional meter school events, aiming to share insights into the latest industry trends and technological advancements. Both Pepple and Jordan delivered presentations emphasizing the advantages of deploying intelligent technologies and highlighted NRTC’s collaboration with Itron in product development.

“NRTC and Itron are steadfast supporters of these educational initiatives. We were pleased to collaborate with them to impart valuable insights and knowledge during these speaking engagements, fostering relationships with those at the forefront of technology implementation,” Jordan said.

Pepple addressed attendees at the 43rd Annual Electric Power and Metering School at Mississippi State University, discussing strategies for cost-effective technology deployments in his presentation, “Keeping the Cutting Edge from Breaking the Bank.” Additionally, he co-presented with Bryan Seal from Itron’s Public Power Technical Sales group on maximizing the potential of fiber optic networks for AMI in their session titled, “Riding the Light: Leveraging Fiber for AMI.”

Seal joined Jordan in presenting at the Southeastern Meter School and Conference at Auburn University in Auburn, AL. Their session, “Identifying the Value Streams for AMI Data, Leveraging AMI Integration to Provide a Better User Experience,” offered insights into the value streams of AMI data by Jordan and demonstrated how advanced metering technology can actualize them by Seal.

Alongside discussions on AMI and smart grid technologies, the meter schools covered a broad spectrum of topics crucial for nurturing the skills of both emerging field professionals and seasoned experts.

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