TechTalks: Satellite Internet: Part of a Broadband Strategy
JUNE 21, 2023
In the latest installment of NRTC’s TechTalk series, Alana Pilkington, VP, Broadband Solutions, presents “Satellite Internet: Part of a Broadband Strategy.” Building fiber optic internet service to the most remote areas of the United States is costly and even in areas likely to see future fiber service, it could take years to happen. Some NRTC members offer the Viasat solution, which now can offer speeds up to 100 Mbps over its new Viasat-3 satellite. “You start with satellite internet and build out fiber where it makes sense to build based on costs,” Pilkington said. “If you get that satellite Internet customer now, you’re getting that revenue now and you might be able to flip them to a fiber customer when you can afford to get it out to them.”
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