
Video of Complete Annual Meeting Available

Randy Sukow


For members who missed it, NRTC has posted a video of its entire 2020 Annual Meeting for electric-industry members, March 1. The meeting featured addresses by Board Chairman Shannon Clark and CEO Tim Bryan. The guest speaker was Marine Colonel Matthew Reid, who described his missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, which included efforts to rebuild war-torn rural communities.

The video below also is available on YouTube and we will post it on the member section of the NRTC website.

Prior to the meeting several NRTC board members posed with Col. Reid. They included:

Left to right, front row: Mike Malandro (District 1), president and CEO, Choptank Electric Cooperative, Denton, MD; Chris Seubert (District 9), director, Lane Electric Cooperative, Eugene, OR; Bob Hance (District 4), president and CEO, Midwest Energy Cooperative, Cassopolis, MI; Col. Reid; Board Chairman Shannon Clark (District 5), CEO and General Manager, Richland Electric Cooperative, Richland Center, WI; Vice Chairman Tim Mergen (District 6), CEO and general manager, Meeker Cooperative Light & Power Association, Litchfield, MN; Jeff Wilson (District 12), CEO and general manager, West Carolina Rural Telephone Cooperative, Abbeville, SC. Back Row: CEO Tim Bryan; Jason Dandridge (District 12), CEO, Palmetto Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc., Walterboro, SC; Secretary-Treasurer Jimmy Todd (District 12), CEO and general manager, Nex‐Tech, Lenora, KS; Lynn Hodges (District 8), CEO and general manager, Ralls County Electric Cooperative, New London, MO; David Pierce (District 2), director, Amicalola Electric Membership Corporation, Jasper, GA; George Kitchens (District 3), general manager, Joe Wheeler Electric Membership Corp., Trinity, AL.

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